Saturday, July 26, 2014

Review: Duac Once Daily Gel

"For the treatment of mild to moderate acne"

For me, I followed my dermatologist's directions and applied this twice a day: morning and night

My skin type: Combination (oily in the center and a bit dry in other areas)

Products I used during my acne treatment (given by my dermatologist) :
-Antibiotics pills (only use this if you have terrible acne, if you have mild--moderate like me...there's actually no need to take it! Antibiotics pills are actually harmful to out bodies although they are said to 'take' our toxins out).
-Cetaphil Oil Control Foam Wash
Review here:
-Sunscreen SPF 30

(If you hadn't noticed...I didn't use a toner. My dermatologist doesn't recommend me toners...what?)

I began the treatment last year and stopped after 4 months.

I had redness around my jaw and had 'little bumps' (skin colored, not pimple...idk what they are, perhaps clogged pores) all over my face. I was also starting to grow more pimples around my temples, cheeks and forehead. 
I was sick of wearing BB cream and worrying about my appearance all the time so I went to see a dermatologist!


The combination of this gel and the Cetaphil wash made my skin drier than it was before after 2 months. 
(2 months) That was when my pills finished and so I went back to the dermatologist and purchased a new, much gentler face wash, ( Physiogel Hypoallergenic Cleanser, Soap free, for all skin types)and that helped to stop my skin from further drying.

Honestly...this just did not work for me, I'm not sure what to say anymore. 

If you would like to try this out, go for it! Make sure you apply a thin layer, not thick, incase your skin gets dry.

I spent roughly Rm 800 + on my acne treatment and after using this for 4 months, I still had redness around my jaw, had 'little bumps' all over my face, had little pimples on my forehead...

What I like: my skin would stop being shiny and oily after applying this on.

What I don't like:
  • My skin would only stay matte for like 40 minutes and then it'd be oily again. If I apply a layer of sunscreen over it then my skin would get even more oily. I still need to use blotting sheets!
  • No results! Doesn't even reduce the size of pimples! I applied 2 layers of this gel on this giant pimple one time and when I woke up it was still the same size...just slightly less red..BUT still red.

Rate: 0/5

FOR any of you that lives in Kuala Lumpur:

I mentally cussed at my dermatologist because he promised there would be results after 4 months, at least slightly. 

Then my friend recommended me this clinic and when I to see the dermatologist there I showed him the Duac gel and he just laughed, saying, this product is time consuming and doesn't work...

What he gave me for my treatment was: 
I used my own unfinished face wash from previously.

I saw results after 1 and a half month!! It was incredible. After only 2 months of using their dark spots dramatically decreased and my skin is so much more smoother and best of all, those "little bumps" are like 60-70 percent gone!! 

I wish I could give you the brands of the toner and the gel but honestly I don't even know what brands they are. This clinic puts them in little containers and bottles with no brands on them....sneaky.

This treatment had cost me less than Rm 300 (first 2 months)

I went back and bought more (enough for the next 2 months). This time I didn't bother to see the dermatologist and just bought the toner and the gel, it costs me Rm180 or Rm 150 or Rm120 I can't remember....but most importantly, the treatment works!! Also much cheaper than seeing a dermatologist in the hospital!! 

This is not sponsored btw.

If you would like to pay a visit, this clinic is called 

Klink Pakar Kulit Ting Ting Skin Specialist Clinic
Address: 136, Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

It's super close to Starhill (across from Pavilion)

1 comment:

  1. We use this commonly in the UK and it does work. Obviously different things work for different people. So if it doesn't work for you then there are other things to try.
