Monday, March 9, 2015

Review: Heroine Make Long and Curl Masccara (Waterproof)

The packaging does not say that it's waterproof is!

I have no clue what this says...
The size of the wand is medium-small I'd say!

The wand may look a tad big right now but it's actually quite flat and small (on the sides) and this will allow it to really get to those small lashes/inner corners.

This bristles are very hard and this will help the wand to really separate the lashes. But if you're not careful, you could hurt yourself! 

Curled lashes

One layer on top and I dabbed on a bit on the bottom lashes

2nd layer

After the 2nd layer I was a bit disappointed at how sparse my lashes looked but then I looked at my 'curled' photo and realized my lashes are super sparse to begin with haha and so this mascara actually did a good job!! 

It lengthened my lashes for sure and it volumized my lashes as well. I think because my lashes are just so sparse there was only so much this mascara could do!! 

After wearing this from 7am to 9pm, my top lashes didn't smudge at all and the curls (90%) stayed! My bottom lashes were smudge though, after around 4-5 hours and I suspect this is because I had a bit of foundation on my under eye area and whenever I use foundation/bb cream on my under eye area, the mascara (no matter how good) would smudge. So sad :'( 

So this mascara is super long lasting for sure!! But it's incredibility hard to get off--you'll need a good makeup remover to remove this (I personally use the oil-based makeup remover from Biore).  

This mascara dries super fast, like, it would dry seconds after you are done applying. The plus side to this is that you can blink basically right afterwards and not having to worry that the mascara will transfer on to the skin;  the down side to this is that any mistake/smudge will be hard to erase unless you have makeup remover/soap. I accidentally smudged the product against my skin when I was in a hurry and 25 minutes later, when I had time to fix it, I could not get the product off of my skin no matter how hard and how much I rubbed my skin! I had to use some soap I found in the bathroom to get it off. 

I quite like this mascara! One of my Maybelline mascara does not make my curled lashes stay and so I applied on this mascara first and then applied the Maybelline one for extra volumn and my lashes stayed in its curled shape!! Woohoo!! 

What I like:
  • Super waterproof
  • Doesn't weight down my lashes aka make the curled lashes stay
  • Super easy to use
  • Dries fast
  • Super smudge-proof (unless I got foundation/bb cream on)

What I don't like:
  • Maybe just how it's so hard to  get off without soap/makeup remover but whatever, I like how waterproof it is!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Review: Schwarzkopf daily treatment spray

My hair was super dry (ends) and had an unbearable amounts of split ends. I really didn't want to chop my hair off and so I decided to give this spray a try

This spray did not repair my hair. 
I have been using this spray for almost 3 months now (twice a day, when I get out of the shower and in the mornings) and the condition of my hair stayed more or less the same. 

This spray did not cure split ends lol and the ends continued to be dry. 

What I like about this spray:
  • Smells really good so after using it your hair will smell good
  • Can untangle hair (If my hair is tangled up I'll spray it and the process of brushing my hair becomes so much easier)
What I don't like about this spray:
  • My hair didn't get any healthier and I purchased the spray in hopes that it will repair my hair, so this is a disappointment!